Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Fearless Carrie.." just

Remembering the 2008 Election, it was like "sun shines through my window" experience. I realized that there are many possible things for this world. Regardless his skin color, President Obama took President Bush's spot. Also, regardless her gender, Hillary Clinton ran for the candidate. What an amazing changes!

So, I was reading this blog and something caught my eyes strongly!

My typical relaxing Sunday was little bit ruined. And again, being a very subjective and opinionated person, I was agreeing with author of In the Pink blog.

I think author was trying to point out that indeed the liberal media is attacking women in general who are playing in political field. But at the same time, Eileen Smith, the author, is saying that Prejean is being unreasonable for her statement. Also, being a one of popular TV shows, most of Americans watch Larry King and saw on the TV about what Prejean was saying. No need to find harder proof than this!

Being a Miss California, one would know that many little princess-like girls would look up to her. But as soon as the release of her porn video/pictures, Carrie Prejean published a book regarding her position and how much media attacked her, blaming them for the gossip about her and such. Wow… This fact screams at me saying that pretty face doesn’t mean pretty background. So let me get this straight. She’s defending conservative women, such as Sarah Palin, being attacked by liberal media and that conservative women should stick together. On the side, Sarah Palin is her hero and that Prejean is Palinzed. Oh, not to mention that she was about to walk out of studio because Larry King was inappropriate.

So is she saying that she is another conservative woman who got attacked by liberal media and that conservative women should take side with her and protect her? Um, the answer is no.

Guaranteed, I'm not a big fan of Sarah Palin. But to compare to Carrie Prejean? I think Sarah Palin is lot more worth to interview in Larry King Live and “logical” than Prejean. I’m actually glad that somebody like Eileen Smith commented on this interview! Sheesh. Carrie Prejean needs to find other ways to raise her status. Not by comparing herself to somebody more logical and legit.

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